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Beetroot & Goats Cheese Tart






500g bunch raw beetroot
3 tbsp clear honey
3 red onions, peeled & sliced
Olive oil
320g puff pastry sheet
100g soft goat’s cheese
3 sprigs of fresh thyme


Serves 6-8



1. Heat the oven to 200°C. Peel, then chop the beetroot into bite sized pieces. Drizzle them with olive oil & season with salt & pepper. Cover with foil, then roast for 30 minutes or until tender.

2. Put the pastry in a tart tin, prick all over with a fork, put a layer of baking paper and then your baking beans on top & bake on the shelf below the beetroot for 15 minutes.

3. Take the pastry out the oven & remove the baking paper & beans & bake for another 10 minutes.

4. Slice the red onions into half moons & place on a frying pan. Fry these off in some olive oil on a medium to high heat until they soften. Add your honey & thyme & season with salt & pepper.

5. Remove the beetroot from the oven & take off the foil. Assemble your tart with the caramelised red onion first, followed by the beetroot, then the crumbled goats cheese & then some fresh thyme to finish.

6.  Place it back in the oven for 10 minutes & then it is ready to eat.

This will keep in the fridge for up to 5 days or it can be frozen for up to 3 months.


Allergens: Gluten. Dairy. Nuts.

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